Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

  I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all learned things from our parents–some intended and some…not so much. 10.) If you want a piece of machinery to work better, you need to swear loudly and profusely at it. I’ve seen this demonstrated with boat motors, tractor engines, combines, arc welders, and gas grills. I’ve used […]

Some background on  this text you’re about to see:  My family’s nickname for me is T-Rex because my arms are short and I can’t reach shit. In fact, when I need something on an upper shelf, I yell, “T-Rex needs help!” and someone who’s taller than me needs to come reach stuff down for me. […]

Last week, I was in the wilds of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula for our annual family vacation which involves my fam, my dad and stepmom, one of my brothers and his family and my two stepbrothers and their families. It also involved zero wifi and cell coverage that was so bad that I had to drive […]

Trigger Warning: This post deals with infant death, grief and loss. … … … I would like to say the most difficult thing I’ve ever written was any of the books I’d completed – like my recent forays into different-for-me genres, but I’d be a big fat liar. The hardest thing I’ve ever written was a poem. […]

Do I believe in ghosts? That’s the question. While I think a lot of stories are made up for various reasons, I do believe some of the encounters are true. Other than a brief flash a couple times, I’ve never really seen anything. My sister, Cait, on the other hand, sees all kinds of things. […]

Saturday, we went to my dad and stepmom’s for a delicious, pre-Easter meal of steaks on the grill. They live on a lake, so even though it rained the whole time we were there, it was still gorgeous. I got a chance to hang out with my favorite sister-in-law as well as one of my […]