Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

So, this month’s First Time post is from the first morning after features Josie and Declan from THE PROFESSOR’S STUDENT. Declan woke, blinking slowly in the gray dawn light. Josephine slept soundly in his arms, and he tugged her closer, smiling as she sighed and burrowed against him, her lips brushing across his chest. His […]

This month’s First Time is all about the First Kiss. I love writing kissing scenes. The intimacy. The need. The trust. *sighs happily* Oh…got carried away a bit. Anyway, this is the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next in DRAWN THAT WAY. She raised her eyes to his, and all he […]

“Ugh. Fuck my life,” I muttered, as I rounded the counter to start my shift. Not only did I have to work with Cassidy, Queen of the Bitches, but the guy I’d turned down last night at a campus party was sitting at a table across from the barista’s station. Cassidy arched a perfectly shaped […]

As usual, the prompt will appear in bold. “Okay, so because you have these tall skinny windows letting in all this luscious light, I’m thinking a palette of milky whites, soft grays, and vaporous blues would be perfection in here.” I blinked at Michael, the interior designer that Polly, my business partner, insisted that we […]

This month in the First Time feature, we’ve got first argument. So, I picked Will and Ivy, from In Bounds aka The Sportsball Book. The screaming sound of an air horn woke Ivy from a dead sleep, and she pushed up on her elbow, searching for the asshole making the noise. Squinting, in the bright […]

This is a continuation of a story that started here. The farther Persephone walked, the darker the sky became. No longer the fierce blue of an autumn afternoon, storm clouds swirled above and the mist rose from the ground as the air rapidly cooled while rain pelted her, stinging her skin beneath her cloak.. It […]