Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

So, this month’s First Time post is from the first morning after features Josie and Declan from THE PROFESSOR’S STUDENT. Declan woke, blinking slowly in the gray dawn light. Josephine slept soundly in his arms, and he tugged her closer, smiling as she sighed and burrowed against him, her lips brushing across his chest. His […]

I’ve been busy, busy, busy. It’s amazing what getting rid of a bunch of negativity and stress can do for one’s productivity! But I wanted to share my shiny new cover for my upcoming release, Out of Sync. It’s the 5th book in my and Jess Jarman’s Bound series, and the lovely Kris Norris made […]

Okay, so that may, in fact, be a bit of hyperbole. But! I do have a bunch of awesome MM & MF BDSM erotic romance and Paranormal NA romance related book news to share. Okay, first off, if you’re a fan of MM erotic romance and BDSM, Jess Jarman’s Nothing Serious is ah-maaaaaaaaa-zing! Seriously. It’s not […]

What’s hotter than sexy accents, BDSM, and a bit of rope? Not much. I’m happy to report that The Professor’s Student, the third book in my and Jess Jarman’s Bound series is available now! But before we get to the blurb and cover art and excerpt and stuff, I’d like you to meet my inspiration for […]