Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

Okay, so that may, in fact, be a bit of hyperbole. But! I do have a bunch of awesome MM & MF BDSM erotic romance and Paranormal NA romance related book news to share. Okay, first off, if you’re a fan of MM erotic romance and BDSM, Jess Jarman’s Nothing Serious is ah-maaaaaaaaa-zing! Seriously. It’s not […]

Okay…before we get into the recap, I have to do a little shameless self-(and also Jess and Jen) promo for our brand new Merlin inspired anthology, If Ever I Would Leave You: Arthurian Stories for a New Generation. Jess, who’s awesome, btw, suggested that we do Arthurian themed stories since we all love this stuff […]