Be sure to check out the other bloggers’ warning labels by clicking on their names. Jess * Gwen * Kris
Be sure to check out the other bloggers’ warning labels by clicking on their names. Jess * Gwen * Kris
It’s time for another Promptly Penned. The prompt will appear in bold in the story. Elinor woke with a gasp, sitting straight up in bed, glancing around, eyes wide and barely focused. Kyle laid his book in his lap and shifted toward her, rubbing her back. “You okay, El?” She blinked up at him. “I […]
This month’s flash fic was inspired by Counting Crows “God of Ocean Tides”. Here are the lyrics and the video if you’d like to check them out. I don’t know why I agreed to this trip. I don’t know what I thought would be different here. Other than the weather. Maybe I thought that would […]
We’re starting a new feature for the blog group called First Time. We’ll be showcasing a variety of firsts from different stories. Some might be published. Some might be unpublished. It’ll be up to the author of the blog. This month, it’s First Meeting, so I’m going to share the first meeting of Rowan and Gwydion from […]
Usually, my flash fic stories, are one offs, but this photo made me think of a story that’s had several installments. My hope is that you can simply pick up here and keep going, but if you’d like to read the previous sections, here are the links: Part One * Part Two * Part Three […]
This story was inspired by Adele’s “River Lea”. Here’s the song if you’d like to take a listen, and here are the lyrics if you want to give those a go. It was nearly dark when she arrived. Sinking to the riverbank, she wrapped her arms around her drawn-up legs and rested her head […]
Ugh. So, head’s up – this is probably going to be super random and somewhat ranty, so please don’t feel obligated to read. I’m having a bad week anxiety-wise. Back in August I got a ticket for running a stop sign. It was a new stop sign in an area I know well, but I […]
This month’s song fic is inspired by James Bay’s Need the Sun to Break. Here are the lyrics and video if you want to check them out. I hadn’t heard this song previously, but I really love it. And fair warning, this is probably going to be a really short fic, because as much as […]
Prompt: You’re in an interrogation room. A man walks in and throws a bunch of photographs on the table in front of you. The photos are old and were taken at different points in history. You’re in each one. He demands to know who you are. He stared at the painfully thin blonde woman as […]
“Come on,” Anna snapped. “We’re already running late.” He darted through the door behind her, and she gasped, stopping dead. Of course, Max hadn’t really been paying attention and ran into her, jostling her forward. She turned around and glared at him, but he shook it off. Like that was anything new lately. His gaze was drawn back […]