Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

“Ugh. Fuck my life,” I muttered, as I rounded the counter to start my shift. Not only did I have to work with Cassidy, Queen of the Bitches, but the guy I’d turned down last night at a campus party was sitting at a table across from the barista’s station. Cassidy arched a perfectly shaped […]

This is a continuation of a story that started here. The farther Persephone walked, the darker the sky became. No longer the fierce blue of an autumn afternoon, storm clouds swirled above and the mist rose from the ground as the air rapidly cooled while rain pelted her, stinging her skin beneath her cloak.. It […]

She studied her reflection in the mirror in the hallway outside his hotel suite. She knew what he’d see. A young ingénue eager to soak up his knowledge and wisdom. And possibly his cock if he thought she was legal and he could finesse her into it. He was beyond predictable. While doing his college […]

Chilled mist pressed in on all sides, dampening her clothes and clinging to her skin and sending shivers skating down her spine as the cold and clamminess enveloped her. The last of the autumn leaves fluttered to the ground, falling nearly as quietly as the whispers around her–the whispers that seethed through the air as […]

Eric stared at the TV hanging from the ceiling in the local sports bar and grill. He was supposed to meet his date at seven-thirty, but he’d gotten here early. He’d wanted to get his pre-date jitters out. And he was nervous. He really liked this woman–Amelia. They’d been chatting online for weeks and for the […]

“Come on,” Anna snapped. “We’re already running late.” He darted through the door behind her, and she gasped, stopping dead. Of course, Max hadn’t really been paying attention and ran into her, jostling her forward. She turned around and glared at him, but he shook it off. Like that was anything new lately. His gaze was drawn back […]

The lake gently lapped against the rocks lining the pier, and I closed my eyes and leaned back against the sun-warmed metal of the lighthouse, tilting my face toward the sky. Normally, I wouldn’t have ventured this far out on the pier. Currents in the huge lake changed constantly, often making it treacherous. But today, […]

Please welcome our newest member, Sarah Moore! She’ll be taking part in the flash fiction and promptly penned posts. Now, back your your regularly scheduled story.    It was only day five of their big European vacation–the one they’d scrimped and saved for for the last five years. Cammy adjusted her ponytail as it was […]