Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

This month in the First Time feature, we’ve got first argument. So, I picked Will and Ivy, from In Bounds aka The Sportsball Book. The screaming sound of an air horn woke Ivy from a dead sleep, and she pushed up on her elbow, searching for the asshole making the noise. Squinting, in the bright […]

Putting me and the idea of organization together in the same sentence is optimistic at best. However, I’ve been trying to do better. If you’ve been here for any length of time, you know I’m not a plotter. At all. That’s just not the way my brain works. And I’m also a very visual person. Pinterest […]

I feel like if you’ve been here any length of time, you probably know where this post is about to go. But if not, buckle up. We’re doing this thing. I usually get a line of dialogue or a snippet of a scene rolling around inside my head. The first thing I do after that […]

Before I get to the actual post, I just wanted to say we’ve got a new blogger in our lineup! Torrance Sené has joined us! Yay, Torrance, and welcome! As I mentioned in an earlier post, this year has been rough writing-wise, but things are starting to pick up a little, and in a month […]