Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

Last week, this text exchange happened. Husband: Do you know Kaylin Peyerk? (includes link to this book.) Me: No… Should I? Husband: I thought maybe she was in your writers group. Me: Nope. Is she local? Husband: She’s (his coworker’s) girlfriend, and her book just came out. Me: Cool. Guess I’m getting a new book […]

Right now, I think we can all agree that the world is a pretty shitty place. There’s so much unrest and misery everywhere we look, and honestly, sometimes, it’s so overwhelming, I don’t know where to put the time and energy I have available into fixing it. I know a lot of the people I […]

This year has been a bit of a suckfest writing-wise–mostly because of constant, unrelenting stress and anxiety–both personal and environmental. And the constant, unrelenting stress led to depression and more stress and anxiety over being depressed and unable to write. (Hello, vicious circle. I see you there. Now, move the fuck along.) However, I’ve been […]