Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

Last week, this text exchange happened. Husband: Do you know Kaylin Peyerk? (includes link to this book.) Me: No… Should I? Husband: I thought maybe she was in your writers group. Me: Nope. Is she local? Husband: She’s (his coworker’s) girlfriend, and her book just came out. Me: Cool. Guess I’m getting a new book […]

Please welcome Scarlett Parrish to the blog today. Scarlett is one of the great gifts I’ve received from Twitter. (Seriously, I meet the best people there!) Anyway, she’s got a new book out and has (mostly) cheerfully agreed to answer my nosy interview questions, and she’s also agreed to give away a copy of her […]

I’ve been interviewed by the wonderful Blackraven over at The Blackraven’s Erotic Cafe and I would absolutely love it if you dropped by and said hi. Also, there’s a contest. 😀 It closes at 12 Noon CST, tomorrow December 18th. The prize is any two books from my backlist – that’s 12 to choose from!