Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

It’s no secret that Jess and I aren’t the most organized people in the world, but we’re getting better all the time. Bullet journals have been a huge help in that respect.  The great thing about bullet journals—or bujos, if you will—is that you can organize them in whatever way works best for you. My […]

This post is a bit late. My actual ten year publishing anniversary was on March 30th, and I’d planned to do a giveaway to celebrate. However, my mother-in-law died the day before, and understandably, I just didn’t feel like celebrating anything. I was just trying to make it through the visitation and funeral and hold it […]

I’ve been interviewed by the wonderful Blackraven over at The Blackraven’s Erotic Cafe and I would absolutely love it if you dropped by and said hi. Also, there’s a contest. 😀 It closes at 12 Noon CST, tomorrow December 18th. The prize is any two books from my backlist – that’s 12 to choose from!

On March 30th, 2007 something momentous happened, (well, momentous in my world) my first book, Overlord’s Vessel, was published! Well not my first book – no one wants to read that. Seriously. I was insanely nervous, and excited but mostly terrified. I was so worried people wouldn’t read it – or worse hate it. But […]