Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

Unless you’re new here, I feel like my answer is going to be super predictable. I want to go on my big Ireland and UK writing retreat. Ideally, I’d like to spend two weeks in each country. Yeah, I know, it’s also not terribly realistic. So, I guess what I’d really love is to hang […]

As usual, these are in no particular order, because why change now? Also, as a gift recipient, I think you’ll find I’m pretty easy to please. 10.) Books! Booooooooooooooooooooooooks! 9.) Cool journals. 8.) A new iPad with a keyboard case. 7.) Washi tape! For important bullet journal needs. 6.) A personal chef. Because I hate […]

This year has been a bit of a suckfest writing-wise–mostly because of constant, unrelenting stress and anxiety–both personal and environmental. And the constant, unrelenting stress led to depression and more stress and anxiety over being depressed and unable to write. (Hello, vicious circle. I see you there. Now, move the fuck along.) However, I’ve been […]

Today, I’ve got the fantabulous Janine Ashbless on the blog, and I’m questioning her mercilessly interviewing her about her life in general, and her brand new release.   “Broad at the shoulders and lean at the hips, six foot-and-then-something of ropey muscle, he looks like a Spartan god who got lost in a thrift store. He […]

First off, before I jump into the post, I want to introduce you to our newest and final member of our blogging team: Deelylah Mullin. She’s an author, editor, and all around nifty person. I think you’ll like her, too! Now, on to the post. Remember that episode of Friends where they all had a […]