Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

This winter has been weird, yo. Normally, this is what winter in West Michigan looks like. However, this year, there’s some weird shit going on. We’ve even had 50 degree days in February. This is not normal. This is what it looks like today. Check out the other bloggers’ posts and see what winter is like […]

Musical Musings is a new feature this year where we’ll blog about some of our favorites and not-so-favorites. This  month, the topics are: Song that Makes Me Want to Dance, Song that I Love to Sing Along With, and Favorite Soundtrack. Song that Makes Me Want to Dance – this one is super easy. Rusted Root’s […]

Okay, I’m gonna be honest here, as relatively easy as top ten posts should be to write, this one is hard mostly because of the same old thing–as women, we’re conditioned not to think too highly of ourselves. Where even saying “thank you” when someone compliments us is seen as bragging. So, I’m just gonna […]

First off, before I jump into the post, I want to introduce you to our newest and final member of our blogging team: Deelylah Mullin. She’s an author, editor, and all around nifty person. I think you’ll like her, too! Now, on to the post. Remember that episode of Friends where they all had a […]

    These are just a few of the things I think of when I think of comfort. (Breaking the rules with captions. Like usual.) The swing my husband built me is one of my favorite comfort things. Just the act of quietly swinging is soothing. Being by the water, particularly when the waves are […]

I feel like if you’ve been here any length of time, you probably know where this post is about to go. But if not, buckle up. We’re doing this thing. I usually get a line of dialogue or a snippet of a scene rolling around inside my head. The first thing I do after that […]

Before I get to the actual post, I just wanted to say we’ve got a new blogger in our lineup! Torrance Sené has joined us! Yay, Torrance, and welcome! As I mentioned in an earlier post, this year has been rough writing-wise, but things are starting to pick up a little, and in a month […]