Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

Yeah…this week’s topic? This is pretty much how I’m feeling about it. And also this. And some of this. With a whole lotta this. Okay, so it may not be apparent, but I’m having a little trouble with the whole concept of balance. I don’t feel like any area of my life is anywhere near […]

Everyone gets stressed out. If they don’t, I want to know who they are so I can stalk them and learn their secrets. I really do try not to sweat the small stuff. I used to flip out about every little thing. All the time. It was exhausting. I eventually got to the point where […]

I’ve become my mother. I mean, I’ll be honest, in a lot of ways I’ve been there for quite some time. Wildly inappropriate lullabies? Check. Awkward misreads? Check. Questionable coordination? Check. Ability to lose glasses while wearing them? Check. Weirdo magnet?  Check. More fabric/yarn/craft supplies than your average Hobby Lobby? Check. Check. And check. And […]