Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

It’s time for another Top 10 List! Okay, so like most people, the best way to hook me as a reader is by writing a good book. And when I say a good book, I  mean the premise and the actual writing, too–some books are strictly a one or the other kind of thing. I […]

So, this week’s assignment was to rewrite an old blog post from the point of view of one of my characters. And since I’m the only one blogging from the group this week, I’m writing it from several other points of view…cause I do what I want. Or something like that. First off, it was […]

Sooooooooooo, it’s come to this. The inevitable strengths and weaknesses post. *pushes up sleeves* Let’s do this thing. I’m going to hit weaknesses first. Why? Because I’m more comfortable in this arena. More on that in a bit.   Conflict – I struggle with conflict. The first book I ever wrote had zero. Like, literally none. […]

Yep…that’s me. I wander through life if a distracted daze, but most of the time, I still manage to get stuff done. But, it would be a lot easier without my top five distractions. 1.) The internet. Hands down, this is my biggest distraction – Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, blogs, Twitter, email, Ravelry, Netflix, Etsy…oh yeah. […]

This is from a presentation that Jenny Trout and I gave earlier this month at the Grand Rapids Region Writers Group, and we thought we’d share it with the rest of the world since we’re professional level self defeaters. You don’t have to look very far to find self-defeating behavior. That’s why it’s called SELF […]