Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

I feel as though this blog post is going to be an overwhelming disappointment. Of the five of us kids, I was really the least rebellious. For instance, I  wasn’t the sibling who relandscaped a neighbor’s lawn with my car and relocated their patio furniture (also with my car) into their inground pool. That wasn’t me. […]

Advice is a lot like music. Or styles of underwear. Use what works for you, and leave the rest behind. Obviously, I can’t tell you what’ll work for you, I can only share what’s worked for me, but look around. You might find something you like. Try it on. See how it fits. If you […]

It’s time for another Nostalgic Notes post, and this time it’s movies. There are a ton of movies that I have massive nostalgia for. And nearly everyone of these is quoted regularly around our house. Unless you’re new here, you had to know this one would be at the top of the list. Yes, I […]

Sooooooooooo, it’s come to this. The inevitable strengths and weaknesses post. *pushes up sleeves* Let’s do this thing. I’m going to hit weaknesses first. Why? Because I’m more comfortable in this arena. More on that in a bit.   Conflict – I struggle with conflict. The first book I ever wrote had zero. Like, literally none. […]