Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

Apparently, it’s time for another episode of Therapy with Bron. It’s totally cool to back out of the room now. Honestly, I probably won’t even notice. I’ll just assume you were looking for the bathroom or something. Maybe you were trying to find the kitchen? I did just make cookies. Oh? You’re still here? *passes the cookies* Okay, […]

Putting me and the idea of organization together in the same sentence is optimistic at best. However, I’ve been trying to do better. If you’ve been here for any length of time, you know I’m not a plotter. At all. That’s just not the way my brain works. And I’m also a very visual person. Pinterest […]

Yeah…this week’s topic? This is pretty much how I’m feeling about it. And also this. And some of this. With a whole lotta this. Okay, so it may not be apparent, but I’m having a little trouble with the whole concept of balance. I don’t feel like any area of my life is anywhere near […]

There are sooooooooooo many tropes I loathe (quite a few I love, too) but it’s all about the ranty loathing today. I’m gonna break it down by genre. Well, that’s a lie. I’m gonna break it down by the genres that I write because otherwise, I’ll literally be here all night. Romance All Women Are […]

I feel like if you’ve been here any length of time, you probably know where this post is about to go. But if not, buckle up. We’re doing this thing. I usually get a line of dialogue or a snippet of a scene rolling around inside my head. The first thing I do after that […]

I recently did a presentation on writing realistic dialogue for my local writers group. I decided to go ahead and post it here in case people who had to miss the meeting wanted a chance to read it. Then I thought you guys might like it, too. And if you end up singing Ten Duel Commandments […]

I recently did a presentation on writing realistic dialogue for my local writers group. I decided to go ahead and post it here in case people who had to miss the meeting wanted a chance to read it. Then I thought you guys might like it, too. And if you end up singing Ten Duel Commandments […]

When this posts, I’ll be in the wilds of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula for our annual family vacation, and I’ll likely be without internet. Because that’s pretty much business as usual in the UP. But back to the original topic. What motivates me to write? That’s a damn good question. Some days, the answer is nothing. […]