Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

Soooooooo…this month’s Top Ten post is all about how not to piss me off. These are in no particular order. They all piss me off equally. Welcome to the unloading. 10.) The phrases; “But her emails…”, “How much damage can he do in four years?”, “There’s a system of checks and balances in place.”, “I’m […]

Once upon a time, I finished every book I started. Then, I realized that my time is more precious than that. And once I drop an author mid-book, with very few exceptions, I don’t usually pick them back up again. But here are some ways to lose me as a reader of romance. I’m focusing specifically on […]

There are sooooooooooo many tropes I loathe (quite a few I love, too) but it’s all about the ranty loathing today. I’m gonna break it down by genre. Well, that’s a lie. I’m gonna break it down by the genres that I write because otherwise, I’ll literally be here all night. Romance All Women Are […]