Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

Today we’re talking things that inspire us – from A to Z.  Of course there are the usual things like friends and family who inspire me, but I’m going a different route. So…this should be interesting. Probably because I’m going to treat it as some sort of free association psych test. Feel free to interpret […]

So this week, we’re tackling questions like whether or not we believe in the existence of things like soul mates or love at first sight. Let’s start with the concept of love at first sight. The short answer is: nope. The slightly longer answer is that I totally think that lust at first sight is totally […]

Do I believe in ghosts? That’s the question. While I think a lot of stories are made up for various reasons, I do believe some of the encounters are true. Other than a brief flash a couple times, I’ve never really seen anything. My sister, Cait, on the other hand, sees all kinds of things. […]

It’s another edition of Wednesday Randomness, and this week, we’re blogging about our collections. And, I didn’t really realize how many I had…until I started wandering around the house taking pictures. I’m not even including the fabric or yarn, because, well, this shit is already out of control – as evidenced from the following pictures. […]

Ha! Trying to pick favorite songs is a lot like trying to pick a favorite book. Or favorite kid. In order to tackle this post, I decided I needed to break it down into categories. So…in no particular order, here are my favorite songs in their handy dandy categories.  And yeah, you’ll probably see a […]

For Wednesday Randomness, we’re talking about our search histories. So…yeah.  This should be interesting. These are the things I’ve searched for recently. 1. Can animals take Tramadol – Sometimes you need to know this stuff for research, people. 2. Tim Minchin – Let’s be honest…my love for this man knows no bounds. 3.YA blog tours […]

As a young kid, I don’t have a lot of great school memories. I do remember cutting my own bangs during art class…but that wasn’t a particularly good memory. However, it did get my hair out of my eyes. We moved a lot – between kindergarten and high school, I went to five different schools. […]

This week, the Wednesday Random bloggers are blogging about some of our favorite book covers. Let the parade of covers begin! In no particular order, some of my favorites are: I love the simple beauty of this cover – the colors, the delicate swirls, the glow, the slightly out of focus font. I love this […]