Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

I feel as though this blog post is going to be an overwhelming disappointment. Of the five of us kids, I was really the least rebellious. For instance, I  wasn’t the sibling who relandscaped a neighbor’s lawn with my car and relocated their patio furniture (also with my car) into their inground pool. That wasn’t me. […]

Unless you’re super new here, you know that I love me some great picture books. Despite the fact that my kids are in their early twenties, my children’s book collection continues to grow. I get some to read to my nieces and nephews, and some are just for me. Because books. The It’s Fundamental – Children’s […]

Any time a politician betrays the ideals of our nation, (points if you heard that in Daveed Diggs’ voice) the app updates with one of those annoying little red numbers. In order to make the number go away, you have to open the app and hit the eject button. This jettisons the greedy, self-serving, treasonous […]

This post is a bit late. My actual ten year publishing anniversary was on March 30th, and I’d planned to do a giveaway to celebrate. However, my mother-in-law died the day before, and understandably, I just didn’t feel like celebrating anything. I was just trying to make it through the visitation and funeral and hold it […]

Man… this has been a month. A long, weird, disquieting month. Sadly, my mother-in-law died recently, so much of this month has been dealing with grief, and frustration, and anger at a certain family member on that side who needs to be throat punched. But that’s life. Weirdly, I managed to accomplish quite a few […]

Welcome to another episode of Therapy with Bron. But hey, I figure if I struggle with this shit, some of you might, too. I try really hard not to live my life consumed by regret. There are too many other things I’d rather be consumed by–laughter, love, a good story, kitty and kid cuddles, nature, music, […]

Once upon a time, I finished every book I started. Then, I realized that my time is more precious than that. And once I drop an author mid-book, with very few exceptions, I don’t usually pick them back up again. But here are some ways to lose me as a reader of romance. I’m focusing specifically on […]

Welp…apparently, I was a little over ambitious in terms of what I thought I could get done this month. Well…that’s not exactly true. I did get a lot done. It’s just that most of the finished items weren’t the things I mentioned in last month’s blog. Let’s review, shall we?. This was my list: Finish revising […]