Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

I spend literally every day with books. Books I’m writing. Books I’m editing for clients. Books I’m prepping to go into audio for clients. And books I want to read for me. That’s a lot of books. But for the purpose of this blog post, we’ll just stick to the best book I’ve read for me. […]

Unless you’re super new here, you know that I love me some great picture books. Despite the fact that my kids are in their early twenties, my children’s book collection continues to grow. I get some to read to my nieces and nephews, and some are just for me. Because books. The It’s Fundamental – Children’s […]

Today, it’s another Wordless Wednesday post for the Wednesday Random bloggers. I’m going to cheat and use a few words because…It’s my blog. I do what I want.  Also, I feel like some photos need a little explanation. I do the vast majority of my reading on my tablet. It’s backlit, supremely portable, and I […]

I’ve been tagged by the marvelous Kelly Marstad for this meme on writing.1. The Witch of Blackbird Pond became my first comfort book when I was in the fourth grade. I’d read it whenever I wanted to escape from real life. When my elementary school closed (the one where I spent fourth grade, anyway) I […]