Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

This is my current super power. As you can see, it helps no one.  But if I could choose a super power, it would be the ability to travel wherever I wanted without the use of planes, trains or automobiles. Just *poof* and I’d be there. Me, my luggage, my friends and family – just […]

  This week, Merlin Club also involves some vacation photos!  Here’s our live action Merlin Club shot! And this is when we went on a quest to discover the true location of Camelot. As it turns out, it’s an AMAZING yarn store in Calumet, MI. My fellow yarnheads can check it out, here. Okay, on […]

This episode opens with Uther waiting patiently for the kings from five other kingdoms to arrive so they can have a peace summit and all sign a peace treaty. But one of the kings has other plans. His name escapes me, and I’m real lazy, so from here on in, he shall be known as […]

The episode opens on a dark and stormy night (of course) with a mean looking bounty hunter pulling a cart with a cage on it into Camelot. Inside the cage is a beautiful young woman. The bounty hunter goes inside the tavern and leaves his prisoner out in the rain.  Merlin and Gaius who’ve been […]

This week’s topic for the Random Wednesday bloggers is “What I Need to Write.” The answer is…not that much. For instance, I need: My computer. I *can* write longhand, but I compose more quickly on my laptop, so that’s a must have. A seat along a wall. I have a very difficult time working if […]

Okay, so this episode opens with a blonde sorceress wearing one of Miranda Lambert’s cast off award show dresses and casting a spell that involves Arthur and scrying into this crystal which immediately got Fleetwood Mac’s Dreams stuck in my head. Meanwhile, back at Camelot, a knighting ceremony is going on and Uther waxes all […]

So this episode opens with Merlin being carelessly stupid (sorry, Jess) and despite living in a kingdom where people are routinely put to death for even being suspected of using magic, he decides to use magic to create a galloping horse from the smoke from a fire. Now, granted, he’s in the woods, but so […]

Everyone gets stressed out. If they don’t, I want to know who they are so I can stalk them and learn their secrets. I really do try not to sweat the small stuff. I used to flip out about every little thing. All the time. It was exhausting. I eventually got to the point where […]

So this recap is actually two episodes long and the first two parter of the series. The first episode begins in a mountainside cave where a toady-looking little dude is muttering and stirring something in a cauldron – always a winning combo.  He scoops out some of the disgusting looking goop, puts it into a […]