Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

Annie woke with her face pressed against cold glass. Slowly sitting up straight and peeling her face off the window, she swallowed. Clearly something had crawled into her her mouth and died while she was out. And where the fuck was she, anyway? She rubbed her hand across her crusty eyes and  came away with […]

  It’s time for another Nostalgic Notes were we look back at the stuff we’re…you know… nostalgic about. Some of these will be from my childhood and some from my kids’ because nostalgia – I’m rife with it. Lemme introduce you to my childhood. I feel like the revelation that my mom was a great […]

I put this post together a while ago, but in light of recent events, I needed to update it a bit. Here are a few things that make me think “love” when I see them. Breaking the rules, as usual, with a few captions. This picture from one of my brother’s wedding. I love everything […]

There are sooooooooooo many tropes I loathe (quite a few I love, too) but it’s all about the ranty loathing today. I’m gonna break it down by genre. Well, that’s a lie. I’m gonna break it down by the genres that I write because otherwise, I’ll literally be here all night. Romance All Women Are […]

This month’s song fic is inspired by the Sarah McLachlan song, Sweet Surrender. Here are the lyrics and the video, if you want to have a looksee.   You know how sometimes you fall asleep and when you wake up, you’re so cold you feel like you’ll never get warm again? That’s exactly how it […]

Prompt: Use the first line of a nursery rhyme as the first line of a dark narrative. Side note before I begin this prompt. I was researching nursery rhymes and realized that most of them are plenty dark on their own without my help. Like Goosey, Goosey Gander is apparently about killing Catholic priests who […]