Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

Let’s see…things that made me smile during the past week.


1.) This conversation with Jenny Trout:

Me: What the hell are you doing with my toes?

Jenny: Leave me alone. I’m carsick! I have to make my own fun!

(Technically, this happened a smidge longer than a week ago, but I remembered it when my husband grabbed my toe the other day, and it made me smile.)

2.) My sister, Cait, making me laugh about my period from hell.

3.) Getting this gorgeous piece of art in the mail from a dear friend’s equally dear daughter.


4.)  The Professor’s Student was featured again on ARe!

Screen Shot 2015-07-04 at 10.54.56 PM

5.)  My kids’ squirrelly senses of humor.

6.)  Getting a new-to-me phone from a friend to replace my phone that was dying.

7.)  Receiving inspirational gifs from Cussy Bimbleberry as writing rewards.

8.)  Receiving random Billy Joel related tweets and texts from Jenny Trout.

9.)  Receiving both hilarious and insightful texts and emails from a bunch of my friends. Highlights involved Hannibal, traveling to the UK, Tumblr posts, wine and the need for  far more of it.

10.) Getting to beta read a friend’s upcoming release(s).

11.) Successfully talking the husband into going to meet a couple kittens tomorrow.

12.) Discovering a family member did something especially kind in a situation in spite of the fact that she’s a little uncomfortable with it.

13.) Celebrating a 21 year Friend-a-versary.

14.) Planning a day trip to see friends that I hardly ever get to see.

15.) Getting quite a bit of writing done even in spite of the full editing schedule.

I know there were more things, but these are the ones that jumped into my head first. Click the names to find out what made the other bloggers smile.









0 thoughts on “Things that Made Me Smile This Past Week

  1. Kris Norris says:

    Sounds like a hell of a week. And yay for the kittens. You’d better adopt them. They are so adorable, and you’d be the perfect mommy!

    1. Bronwyn says:

      I hope we’re all a good fit. 🙂

  2. jarmanjess says:

    Your post made *me* smile. 🙂 All awesome things and worthy of smiles.

    1. Bronwyn says:

      Yay for more smiles. 🙂

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