Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

Okay, so the episode opens with a troupe of circus type performers arriving in Camelot to celebrate Arthur’s birthday. Merlin’s delighted, but Arthur’s dismissive. He doesn’t have time for silliness like birthdays. But he has to put in an appearance. It’s his party, after all. And even Uther gets his clothes on, brushes him damn […]

Okay, my loves, here’s the deal, the last two weeks have kind of blown with family and work drama – much of it good, some of it less than good, and in the last five days, there have been two oral surgeries in this house – two kids and 8 impacted wisdom teeth. And now? […]

The episode opens with Arthur finding a bunch of slaughtered knights – including Sir Leon. Upset, he reports it to his father. But Sir Leon isn’t dead. He’s only mostly dead. A group of druids find him and carry him back to their cave (the same cave in every other episode because CAVE) where they […]

Ohhhhhh, for the love of god…do the tournaments in Camelot never end?  Seriously…her a tournament, there a tournament, everywhere a tournament.  Sorry…I got carried away. This may already be obvious, but this isn’t one of my favorite episodes. Any way, the show opens with Dudley Dursley – okay, fine, Gilli (but he’ll always be Dudley […]

I’m so sorry guys – this is going to be a super short post because it’s late, and I’m trying to outrun a migraine. Blergh. But this weeks episode is fueled by paranoia and douchebaggary. Morgana flips shit because she has a dream about Arthur crowning Gwen queen. Morgana cries to Morgause and Morgause tells […]

Okay, so in this episode, we have Gaius’ old flame, Alice, returning to Camelot and setting up shop as a healer. Uther gets wind of these miraculous healings and flips ship because the peasants aren’t dying when clearly they should be. So obviously magic must be involved. Okay, in this case, he’s totally right, but […]

Okay my loves, this post is going to be considerably shorter than usual, because I’m the Plague Maiden. And mostly all I can do is cough and sleep. Okay, so Arthur goes on what’s basically a vision quest so he can figure out what quest he has to fulfill in order to be worthy of […]

This episode opens with Gwen dousing the candles in Morgana’s room and leaving for the night, and as she does, we see Morgana smirk – the first in what proves a smirk-heavy episode. Gwen returns to her own home outside the castle where she’s knocked unconscious with some kind of herbal ether and brought to […]

So, this episode starts out with a baby in a fantastic wooden cradle (that I covet but can’t find a damn picture of) near an open window. A little blue fairy dude(one of the sidhe) flies through the window and casts a spell on the sleeping baby.  Several years later, we see an adorably awkward, […]

So, this week’s episode is one that’s pretty universally loathed, but more on that as I go.  It opens with Merlin and Arthur running away from a giant hoard of marauders/bad guys/ what-have –you with no explanation to why. Obviously, it’s a plot device to for Arthur to be shot with an arrow and conveniently […]