Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

The holidays at my house look a lot like this…calm, serene…quiet. But if you look closer…   And me? I’d just like the tree to stay upright. Be sure to check the other bloggers’ posts to see what the holidays look like at their house. Jess  *  Paige  *  Gwen

Autumn, in Michigan, is stunningly gorgeous. And it’s my favorite season.  Though, there are days that I’m not sure why, since every year, it actively attempts to murder me.  (All photos taken by me.) Autumn roses in my mom’s garden.  Changing leaves.  Be sure to check out the other bloggers’ photos of autumn where they live. […]

It’s another edition of Wordless Wednesday, and as usual, mine will probably have words. There are some things that piss me right off about Michigan, but the landscape isn’t one of them. No matter the season, it’s almost always freaking gorgeous. Here are what some of my favorite spots look like in summer. As you […]

This winter has been weird, yo. Normally, this is what winter in West Michigan looks like. However, this year, there’s some weird shit going on. We’ve even had 50 degree days in February. This is not normal. This is what it looks like today. Check out the other bloggers’ posts and see what winter is like […]

I put this post together a while ago, but in light of recent events, I needed to update it a bit. Here are a few things that make me think “love” when I see them. Breaking the rules, as usual, with a few captions. This picture from one of my brother’s wedding. I love everything […]

    These are just a few of the things I think of when I think of comfort. (Breaking the rules with captions. Like usual.) The swing my husband built me is one of my favorite comfort things. Just the act of quietly swinging is soothing. Being by the water, particularly when the waves are […]

There are so many things that are going on in the world today that fill me with anger and rage, and those emotions quickly spiral into despair. I honestly can’t take much more without curling into a ball and weeping in a corner. So you know what? I’m not going that route today. I’m going for more […]

Okay, so as usual, I’m not following the rules. If you’ve been here for any length of time, you are unsurprised, I’m sure. This is a collection of images that I find funny. With a little explanation. Jenny Trout outside the bar in the small town of Gay, MI which is near where we hold […]