Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

So…it’s been feeling like I haven’t gotten a lot done this month, but looking at this list, I guess I kinda did. For March, my goals were: Complete all scheduled blog posts (Yep.7 scheduled–including 3 flash fics–and 1 extra post) Complete all scheduled audio preps (Yep. 7 books) Complete all scheduled edits (Yep. 3 books) […]

This month has been another whirlwind of activity. We’ve been busily working on Boho Barbie’s Dream Bath, and we’re almost done! I spent ten glorious days with Jess who came to stay at my place and was witness to all the bathroom chaos including two catastrophic pipe leaks in the basement and one slightly less-catastrophic […]

Trying to blog right now could be interesting as I’ve been locked in a tiny bathroom with only an exhaust fan and no openable window breathing primer fumes for the last three hours. Let’s see how it goes, shall we? In addition to all the scraping and sanding and painting, this month for Boho Barbie’s […]

Okay, so this last month, I said, I’d… Finish all of my scheduled blog posts. Yep Write and practice my presentation on POV for the November GRRWG meeting. Yep Finish the guest blog posts I agreed to. Yep Finish my part of the holiday project. Nope Finish the two very, very late Christmas presents. Nope Finish sewing at least four holiday gifts. Nope Continue […]

Man, I’ve been kicking ass this month. My goals were: Finish the rewrite of Under Your Spell  (Ummmm…no. But I’ve made progress.) Finish all of my scheduled blog posts  (Yep.) Finish building the last website  (Nope.) Complete the assigned audiobook preps  (Did 6. And I’ll finish the last by the 31st.)  Sort bedding and purge my clothes. […]

It’s that time of the month, again–time to see what I accomplished, and what I didn’t. Okay, so last month, I said I’d: Release Rewritten (Yep!) Finish all my scheduled blog posts (Yep) Continue writing daily (Mostly) Finish building the websites (Two out of three…) Make progress on some re-releases I’ll be putting out (Nope!) Complete the assigned audio preps (Yep) […]

  So…it’s come to this. The halfway through the year goals check-in. Things aren’t…going as well as I’d like. These were my goals at the beginning of the year: Get a handle on the negativity that’s seems to be plaguing me. Do what I can to affect positive change in the world–even if they’re only […]