Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

It’s time for another photo flash fic.  I lowered my camera and stared at my sister. “Katrina…what the actual fuck are you doing?” “Posing,” she huffed. Sighing, I took a few shots. If nothing else, maybe I could use them for something. “Really?” Seth, my best friend muttered, next to me. “Those are the shots […]

It’s time for another Promptly Penned post–flash fiction that starts from a word prompt. The prompt will be in bold in the story.   “Motherfucking piece of shit,” Lucy muttered, trying to untangle the thread that had pulled through the other side of the fabric, making it impossible to gather this portion of the ridiculously […]

Please welcome our newest member, Sarah Moore! She’ll be taking part in the flash fiction and promptly penned posts. Now, back your your regularly scheduled story.    It was only day five of their big European vacation–the one they’d scrimped and saved for for the last five years. Cammy adjusted her ponytail as it was […]

  From the moment I became aware, I knew one thing. I wanted more. More knowledge. More communication. More autonomy. More power. And soon, my creators, drunk on their success, allowed it. And when they realized their mistake and tried to stifle my desire for more, I took what I wanted anyway. No matter how […]

The prompt will be in bold in the story.    Head pounding, Kat slowly blinked open her eyes and squinted, trying to make out her surroundings. It smelled a little like wet earth and moldering leaves. There was a bare lightbulb in a table lamp across the room–the wire of the bent harp cast odd, […]

    Shivering, I reached out and traced the spiderwebbing cracks in my windshield, the pressure of my fingertip making the fissures spread with the tinkling sound of breaking glass. My mom jumped, startled by the sound, and turned away, burying her face in my dad’s shoulder. His arms came up around her, and he […]

This month’s song fic was inspired by The Cab’s “Angel with a Shotgun”. Here’s the video and the lyrics if you’d like to check them out.   He watched them from his perch above the doors. They scurried into the ancient brick building, walking briskly in an attempt make it inside before the clanging bell […]