Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

This week, the Wednesday Random Bloggers are blogging about their perfect weekend.

My perfect weekend is quiet.

Really quiet.

I like to wake up at about 8 on Saturday.  That’s the perfect time because no one else in this house will be up for hours. (Bonus if it’s raining and I can have the windows open.) Usually, I have several lovely cups of coffee or tea or both while I sort through email, fart around on Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter for a bit and work on upcoming blog posts.

After that it’s usually a nice leisurely shower and if it’s nice, maybe a little reading in the backyard swing or some writing. Lately, it’s been writing since there a lot of projects to finish.

Eventually, the fam gets up, we all hang out a bit then wander off to do our own thing until suppertime. And, since this is my perfect weekend, I’m not cooking. We either go out to eat or order in Greek food. Let’s go with Greek food. It’s my favorite.

After supper, there’s the usual chatting with friends online (thank you, iMessage), possibly a movie and more writing.

Rinse and repeat the next day. If I’m feeling especially productive, I might paint my nails and go for a walk if the weather is nice.

I have a feeling the other bloggers probably have way more exciting weekends. Click their names to find out.




0 thoughts on “My Perfect Weekend

  1. Gwen Cease says:

    I love your weekend!! It sounds so relaxing. I would so sit and drink tea and listen to the rain

    1. Bronwyn says:

      That sounds so perfect. 🙂

  2. Listening to the rain. So many mornings this summer I have gotten up to see it was raining outside only to turn to my husband and say “I wish it was the weekend so I can stay home and enjoy this.”

    Look what you did? Now I’m jealous for rain.

    1. Bronwyn says:

      I hope that when you’re on maternity leave, you get all kinds of amazing rain storms. 🙂

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