Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

Ugh. So, head’s up – this is probably going to be super random and somewhat ranty, so please don’t feel obligated to read. I’m having a bad week anxiety-wise. Back in August I got a ticket for running a stop sign. It was a new stop sign in an area I know well, but I […]

The prompt will be bolded in the story.  Mallory lugged her backpack and suitcase up seven flights of stairs to the stupidly small apartment she’d agreed to share with her sister, Nina. After a total of three flights and twenty-three hours worth of layovers, all Mallory wanted to do was wash the airport off her, […]

Unless you’re new here, I feel like my answer is going to be super predictable. I want to go on my big Ireland and UK writing retreat. Ideally, I’d like to spend two weeks in each country. Yeah, I know, it’s also not terribly realistic. So, I guess what I’d really love is to hang […]

Prompt: You’re in an interrogation room. A man walks in and throws a bunch of photographs on the table in front of you. The photos are old and were taken at different points in history. You’re in each one. He demands to know who you are.   He stared at the painfully thin blonde woman as […]

“Come on,” Anna snapped. “We’re already running late.” He darted through the door behind her, and she gasped, stopping dead. Of course, Max hadn’t really been paying attention and ran into her, jostling her forward. She turned around and glared at him, but he shook it off. Like that was anything new lately. His gaze was drawn back […]

As usual, these are in no particular order.  10.) Big Sur, California and pretty much anywhere along the northern coast.   9.) Vancouver Island – A.) it’s gorgeous and B.) Norris lives there. 8.) England (in general). 7.) Cornwall (in particular). 6.) Ireland 5.) Norway 4.) Wales 3.) Scotland 2.) Boston (which I’ll be seeing […]