Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

BE SURE TO JOIN JESSICA, KRIS & GWENDOLYN FOR THEIR  FACEBOOK EVENT  11/17/14 FUN & PRIZES TO WIN INCLUDING THE GRAND PRIZE – A KINDLE FIRE HD 6 General Random Sorts of Questions  for Jess Jarman What’s a typical day like for you? I don’t think I have a typical day. LOL I could desperately use […]

Yep… it’s recap time! This episode opens with a shot of a castle by the sea, so we know it’s not Camelot. Inside is a king (you can tell by the crown) looking at some knight gear artfully laid out on the table. A guard shows Myror, the assassin into the king’s room, and after […]

Jess’ recap is here and Jen’s is here! And also, Jess has the Merlin Drinking Game post up, so be sure to check that out, too! It’s here. This week’s episode of Merlin opens with Nimueh in the ubiquitous cave (DRINK!) hanging out by her magical Baptismal font casting spells and whatnot using a silver […]

It’s time for another installment of Merlin Club! You can see Jess’ take on it here. And Jen’s here.  This episode opens in a cave with Nimueh, an attractive young sorceress with brilliant blue eyes (and a bad crimp job) is standing in front of what looks like a Baptismal font making a homely little […]