Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

This month’s song fic was inspired by The Cab’s “Angel with a Shotgun”. Here’s the video and the lyrics if you’d like to check them out.   He watched them from his perch above the doors. They scurried into the ancient brick building, walking briskly in an attempt make it inside before the clanging bell […]

Don’t panic…you’re in the right place. I just did some remodeling over the weekend. What do you think? Anyway, on to the post. This month’s song fic was inspired by “Dog Days Are Over” by Florence and the Machine. You can read the lyrics or watch the video and listen to the song. Or both. […]

  The last song fic of the year was inspired by Chances by Five for Fighting. Here are the lyrics and video if you want to take a peek. Heads up: this story is probably going to be the shortest of the short. Unless you’re super new here, you know the drill, I’m averaging three […]

This month’s flash fiction song is one I’d never heard before this challenge. It’s called “Call Me Crazy” by Travis Collins. The video is here and the lyrics are here if you’d like to give a listen/read. Content warning: some violence and allusions to abuse.  The dirt was clay. She fucking hated digging into clay. […]

This month’s song fic is inspired by Criminals by Ms Mr. Here are the lyrics and video if you want to give it a go.   Doug looked around the conference table, not letting his gaze settle anywhere for too long–not even on Vanessa. How in the hell had they ended up here? Christ, he […]

This month’s song fic was inspired by Ghost by Halsey. If you’d like, you can read the lyrics here and/or watch the video here.  “What are we even doing?” Ryan sighed. “We’re trying to get some sleep because we have an early flight.” A car drove slowly down the street, its headlights bouncing around the […]

  Okay, so this month’s song fic was chosen by our resident Canadian and number one Nickelback fan. The song is What are You Waiting For? Here are the lyrics and the video. Through the open door, Molly stared at what she’d been convinced was the answer to her prayers. It was all there in front […]