Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

She studied her reflection in the mirror in the hallway outside his hotel suite. She knew what he’d see. A young ingénue eager to soak up his knowledge and wisdom. And possibly his cock if he thought she was legal and he could finesse her into it. He was beyond predictable. While doing his college […]

This month’s flash fic was inspired by Counting Crows “God of Ocean Tides”. Here are the lyrics and the video if you’d like to check them out. I don’t know why I agreed to this trip. I don’t know what I thought would be different here. Other than the weather. Maybe I thought that would […]

We’re starting a new feature for the blog group called First Time. We’ll be showcasing a variety of firsts from different stories. Some might be published. Some might be unpublished. It’ll be up to the author of the blog.  This month, it’s First Meeting, so I’m going to share the first meeting of Rowan and Gwydion from […]

Somehow, it’s our final Promptly Penned of the year. I’ve been really looking forward to this one. As soon as Jess and I saw this, it sparked an idea. And thanks to this prompt and flash fic, we have plans for some connected Bound books–written separately but connected and happening concurrently. And this prompt brought […]

Chilled mist pressed in on all sides, dampening her clothes and clinging to her skin and sending shivers skating down her spine as the cold and clamminess enveloped her. The last of the autumn leaves fluttered to the ground, falling nearly as quietly as the whispers around her–the whispers that seethed through the air as […]

Hmmmm… I think if I could win a lifetime supply of anything, it would be motivation and focus combo. Adderall is great for helping my ADHD symptoms, but I’d love it if I could focus on my own and have the motivation to follow through like a normal person. Until then, it’s Adderall, bullet journals […]