Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

My baby, Corwin, graduated from high school this year, and we just had his graduation party. One of my SILs made his cake and suggested that Corwin come up with the artwork instead of going with something generic.

Behold…my favorite graduation cake ever!



See? Looks just like him.


One thought on “So…this happened.

  1. Pansy Petal says:

    You have a very wise young man there. Some of us are stilling trying to decide what to do with the rest of our lives some 40 odd years after graduation. Congratulations to him for surviving High school and to you for doing such a wonderful job supporting him in that endeavor. I wish him well in discovering his future. AND I expect some major writing as you work through the coming “empty nest syndrome.” 😀 (Evil aren’t I?)

    That cake is really marvelous! And hey! You survived the party! 😀

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