Okay, so I’ve been slammed to the wall with trying to finish several books and all of the excitement and drama that comes with putting on a conference. My awesome writing group is putting on its first ever conference and while I’m super excited about it, it is requiring a lot of time.
Cait and my mom are being the very best ones ever and are helping out by picking up the boys whenever possible, giving me an extra two hours in my afternoon that I wouldn’t have otherwise had. And Cait, (who will be awarded some sort of medal of valor for this) is going above and beyond the call of duty by dragging her cookies out of bed at ass o’clock in the morning to get my kids and the carpool kid to school several times a week!
I honestly don’t know what I’d do without them. I do know that I’d probably be this much closer to a nervous breakdown.
So all of this stuff going on is making me lose major amounts of sleep as evidenced by this text exchange with Killian.
Me: Your mom is picking you up from school today. She’ll have the van.
Killian: You are my mom. I assume you mean Grammy.
Me: OMG!!! I need sleep!!!
Killian: ROTFLMAO Yeah. Probably. 😛
Oh well…glad I could brighten his day. Back to the WIP and a mountain of email.
lol my mom did something like that to me when I was a kid. She was tired and I kept changing outfits for a date I had the next day and asking her opinion she looked at my and said “What do I look like your mother?” I looked at her and said “YES!Unless you have something to tell me” LMAO we still laugh about it today over 22 years later.
LOL! I hope you're getting some sleep…