I’m doing research for my new story, and I’ve got a question for everyone.
Given the opportunity to meet any artist, be it painter, musician/composer or writer (past or present…or both) who would it be and why? Feel free to list as many as you want.
In terms of present artists, I’d like to meet…
Brian Froud – his paintings and drawing amaze me and I’d love to watch him work.
Charles deLint – I love his stories. I’d love to talk to him about his inspiration and his process.
Angela Knight – Mostly, I’d just want to bow down to her genius.
Joss Whedon – Again, bowing would be in order – the man has it all – dialogue, plotting, world building. I heart him.
Adam Duritz of Counting Crows – The man is a brilliant lyricist and composer – probably in need of copious amounts of anti-depressants, but I adore him anyway.
Kate Rusby – I love her music, and she seems like she’d be fun to hang out with.
Past artists would include…
Arthur Rackham – His work inspired some of my favorite present day artists.
John Waterhouse – Predictably, I love Pre–Rhaphalite art.
Jim Henson – I adore the Muppets, not to mention Labyrinth and Dark Crystal.
The Bronte sisters – I’m imagining they were the products of a relatively dysfunctional household – I’m sure we’d have a great time.
Lord Byron – I’d just like to see the man in action.
Mozart – Maybe I’ve seen Amadeus too many times, but I’m betting he’d be interesting.
So…who would you choose?
I’m with you on Henson, Whedon, and Mozart, for the same reasons. I’d also include whoever wrote the songs for the first Hinder album…absolute genius, except for the last 2 tracks…Yanni, because I also love his music, and forgive my brain breaking down here…the guy behind the Law and Order and CSI stories. Yes, some are ripped from the headlines, and others are not. And of course, Harrison Ford and Robert Redford, strictly because I’ve been in love with Bob since age 8 and Harrison since age 12…
Vermeer, Handel,Chaucer for the past. Josh Groban, John Williams, Mercedes Lackey for the present.
Hmm.>There’s a really morbid artist I can’t think of right now, but he’s goooood. He’s still living and really creepy. I’d want to meet him.>Emily Bronte, Jane Austen for sure. Pablo Neruda (the pervy poet). Ann Freehill, photographer. I have several of hers. Love em. Michelangelo (face it, he rocks), they guy who painted my dying camel painting that my dh hates. Just to get started.
Van Gogh, Michaelangelo,MM Kaye, Georgette Heyer,Sam Cook, Elvis
Shoot! I can’t believe I forgot Georgette Heyer! And Louis L’Amour (yes Kelly, I would like to talk to him!) and Alistair MacLean, John D. MacDonald, Elsie Lee, mmmm I could go on forever with authors. Actors? not so much…maybe Katherine Hepburn.
Actors? Laurence Olivier, Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Gene Kelly
Writer–Connie Willis, simply because she can do no wrong. Is it really so effortless, or does she have her days of going fetal with doubt like the rest of us?>>Writer–Lawrence Block, although I’m pretty sure I’d have to do the Wayne and Garth thing… “I’m not worthy! I’m not worthy!”>>Artist–Dale Chihuly, glass artist. The art is gorgeous beyond belief, and the way he works is more like a movie director than a fine artist. I’m intrigued.>>Director–Kevin Smith. Is he as cool in person as he is in the movies?>>Musician–Dar Williams, mostly because her music makes me think I know her already!>>Musician–Govi. I just wanna sit at his feet while he plays guitar.>>(Bronwyn introduced me to both of those musicians’ work. Thanks!)