1. Getting rated excellent. Thank you to the illustrious Anny Cook for giving my blog such a great rating!
2. Getting to play finish the sentence at Jennifer’s Random Musings. I had a lot of fun filling in the blanks. Jennifer is an awesome reader and loves to host authors on her blog. You should definitely check her out! And hey, while you’re there, come and visit me too. 🙂
3. Losing 14 pounds since I was last weighed at the doctor.
4. A warm cat curled up on my lap on this cold, snowy day.
So, what’s making you happy today?
Fourteen pounds! Hooray, hooray! Good for you. I know it’s not easy.>>What’s making me happy today is writing. The story is finally picking up momentum and I’m going with it!
I found three of them. Can you take them back?>>Thank you for being my fan, Me. Love you!
LOL, I was like, “Your books are rated by the ESRB? That doesn’t make sense. And that’s not even the right rating!”
wow! 14 pounds! that is awesome! i can’t wait to chat with you at 9 pm cst tonight at http://www.enchantingreviews.com/chat.html. we are going to have so much fun! you rock!>dawn
Way to go, girlfriend!>Sandra
14 pounds is excellent – well done
There is an upside to being sick:)Congrats on the 14 lbs and the ‘E’ rating! But we already knew that…
Congrats on all!!!