It seems the plague has struck again. Thing 2 was sick with the respiratory crud and a fever when I picked him up from school yesterday and got worse through the night. I started feeling crummy last night, and Thing 1 started in with a fever this morning. Sigh…
In happier news, a bunch of TEB authors will be chatting over at Love Romance Café. Here’s the address if anyone wants to come out to play. There will be excerpts from the holiday stories and who knows what else. It should be a pretty lively crowd.
Me,>Just cause your lovable does not mean you can hog the plague. C’mon now, send it over. Do it snail mail oh and let me give you my address…. in Australia.>Love,>Fred.
We don’t get sick in Australia. We are imprevious, Grasshopper.
Feel better, girlfriend.>>Maybe some eggnog will help.>>(kidding!)