Vitamin D and sun lamps. I feel normal again and nearly peppy again. I’m not saying I’m ready to start an exercise regime or anything, but it’s lovely to crawl out of my morose little oubliette.
The nice girl down the street. She’s been shoveling my sidewalk because she thought I could use a hand and she has started an exercise regime.
Saying “no.” I have a terrible habit of overextending myself because I can’t say no. Well, it’s taken a while, but I’ve started saying no about some things. There’s still some residual guilt, but I’m getting over it.
Reading. I don’t get as much time to read as I’d like. Something about multiple jobs and poor time management skills, but I’ve read two books lately that I’d like to take a minute to flog.
Time for Love by Kelly Kirch. I’ll admit, I’ve never been a fan of regency romances, however, Kelly has changed all that – at least where her books are concerned. I loved watching Blake and Sarah fight for their HEA. The last part pf the book had me on the edge of my seat wondering how Kelly was going to get her characters out of the nightmare she’d thrown them into and one scene in particular had me in tears…but I’m not going to spoil it by saying which one. I will say that if you want a great read with a completely sastifying ending, do yourself a favor and read Time for Love!

I’m looking forward to reading Incubus:)
Thanks!! I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better and that I could help.
I totally agree with Kelly’s book being an excellent read. I am glad you are feeling better
Bron,>Glad you’re better. Sorry winter is hanging on. We have daffodils blooming. I’ve been in the south eight years and it still amazes me that flowers start coming up in February. Its wondrous. Although its supposed to get down to 21 tonight. sigh.Here’s hoping spring heads your way soon. I’ll give it a nudge in your direction. Let me know if it arrives:)
I’m like you – I have trouble saying “no” and way overextending myself, too. And when I do say “no”, I feel horrible. >>February’s almost over. Hang in there.
Awww! I made you cry?? Was that the February blues? Now you have to contact me and tell you which part. I find this fascinating and will have to see how to recreate that for future books. I can’t believe I made you cry.>>THANK YOU for the excellent flogging!!! What a thrilling surprise. π π π>>Fred.
Soooooo glad things are going better! And yes, when I worked I had a big sign above my desk that said, “Just say NO!”>>Often that was enough to send the beggers and whiners away.
I’m so glad to hear about the return of the happy you.>>BTW, I’m dressed like you today. I might come in my Bronwyn costume to your party, actually.
Kelly, you must know that making Bronwyn cry is no big deal. She’s a softie.>>And Bron, I tried to bring some warm back from Florida. Failed! My bad.