Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

1.) BRITS IN TIME TOOK FIRST PLACE FOR BEST ANTHOLOGY AT LOVES ROMANCE CAFE!!!!! Sorry to yell, but I’m pretty damn excited!

2.) I just signed a contract with Resplendence Publishing for a novella called Body of Art. It will be in the anthology, Hot for Teacher, with Brynn Paulin, Mia Watts and Cara Hart – Yay us! No release date as of yet, but I’ll let you know as soon as I know.

3.) My website is in the process of getting a much needed face lift thanks to a lovely woman named Kelly. I’ll let you know when the new prettiness is up.

4.) My crappy chest cold finally seems to be easing up a little – thank God, cause I really kinda enjoy being able to breathe.

5.) I’m apparently popular with 14 & 15 year old boys. My son’s friends informed him that he has the “coolest mom ever, dude – she’s totally made of win.” I told Killian to remember that next time I yell at him to turn down the death metal music he’s so freaking fond of.

0 thoughts on “Things That Are Made of Aweosme…

  1. Hooray for cool mom! I am afraid I am the dorky mom, as in, “Dude, I can’t believe you share a planet with her, much less genes.”

  2. Sandra Cox says:

    Congratulations on all the cool stuff. Totally true:) Hugs,

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