Ashley Ladd tagged me for this six random things meme. Here are the rules: Post these rules on your blog and links where appropriate. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. Tag six random people and let them know they’ve been tagged…I’m not tagging anybody because everybody’s been tagged already.
1.) I got married on my birthday.
2.) I collect rocks…lots and lots of rocks. Not in the neatly-labled sort of way, more like the cover-every-suface and fill-up-bowls kind of way.
3.) My charm bracelet has over 70 charms and all of them have special significance. It also doubles as a weapon.
4.) My favorite flowers are daffodils, violets and lilacs.
5.) I’m a Ren Faire junkie.
6.) I like to cross stitch and frequently make up my own designs.
OH MY GOSH! You ARE a hippie!>>I especially love the weaponary bracelet. Does it work with tax collectors??
Yay! Somebody else who cross-stitches and makes up their own designs. >>You’re going to RT? I’ll bring along something to show you.>>I also have rocks. Not lots and lots, but I have rose rocks from Oklahoma. They’re naturally shaped like roses. I bet you would find them cool.
I still have the polished rocks I brought back from Colorado when I was eight. And my daughter picks up some whenever we’re out there now. I guess I started something!
70 charms how cool!>Do you use your rocks for serenity and such?