On Halloween, I friend and I decided to visit some local graveyards to see if we could photograph any orbs that might be hanging around. Halloween, or Samhain, is the time of the year when the veil separating the dead and the undead (seen and unseen, the various planes – however you want to look at it) is the thinnest. I’m here to say, it was pretty thin last weekend. Look what we found!
The pictures were taken at St. Mary’s in New Salem, MI, Visitation in North Dorr, MI, St. Sebastian’s in Bryon Center, MI and at an abdondoned, one room schoolhouse, also in Bryon Center, MI. This is the school where my Dad and my uncles attended first through eighth grade many, many years ago.
You may want to click on the pictures to enlarge them so you can see all of the orb-y goodness. There are no orbs that I can find in the last picture, I just thought it looked kinda cool…and also really creepy!
Very cool, Bron. I love going to old cemetaries, and have seen and felt some pretty freaky things.
Great pictures, Bron! I love old cemetaries.
You got some excellent shots! It looks like it was the perfect night for it.
Cool pix, Bronwyn!
I like the way we can zoom in!
Totally too scary for me and I see ghosts!
Have to admit that I mostly hang around cemeteries in the daytime.
You totally should have posted the pink smudgey. That one looks ooky.