It’s been one of those days already and it’s not even 11 am yet.
After I dropped the kids off to school I went to fedex and shipping my effing computer back to be fixed again. For those of you keeping track at home, this is the second time it’s been in for repairs since getting it in October.
I. Am. Not. Pleased.
Killian’s convinced that I’ve angered the Computer Gods because I’m not using it for its intended purpose which is gaming. I’ve decided that when it comes back from being fixed, it can be hubby’s (he’ll use it for its intended purpose) and I’m getting something else. I’m so done with this BS. For the record, hubby heartily approves of this idea.
I’m now sitting at Barnes and Noble waiting for my freaking car to be fixed. Incidentally, Barnes and Noble Starbucks has way better food than my local Starbucks. While I’m enjoying my spinach and feta stuffed pretzel, I’m sad because it’s unlikely I’ll get another one anytime soon. I’m allergic to the mall. Any mall, really. I hate shopping unless it’s online or at a Ren or street fair. Soooooo not a mall kid.
My car decided to blow it’s windshield wiper transmission. You didn’t realize there was such a thing? Me either. On my car, it costs 382.55 to fix.
However, I met the coolest guy today. He drove me from the car place to the mall where I could have coffee. We were talking, cleverly enough, about coffee. He told me he’s looking for a two pot coffee maker for his wife, so I told him about the one I got from Meijer.
Guy: My wife is the most amazing woman on the earth – no offense to you, of course – you seem lovely. But she doesn’t ask for much, and since she likes coffee and I don’t, I thought I’d surprise her.
Me: None taken, and I have to say I think it’s wonderful that you want to do something so sweet for your wife.
Guy: My wife is four years and four days younger than me. When I was ten and she was six, I pointed at her, and I told my mom, “That’s the girl I’m gonna marry.” We’ve been married for fifty years this year and I feel the same way about her today that I felt about her then. I look forward to going home to her at the end of every day.
Me: Your wife is a really lucky woman.
Guy: Nah…I’m the lucky one.
Needless to say, I got teary and had to forcibly resist the urge to hug this guy.
At the end of the day, windshield wiper transmissions and malfunctioning computers aren’t that big a deal. Being with the people you love is. So hug your peeps when you see them next. I will, too.
Awwwwwwwww! That's the most awesome one EVAR! No wonder you're all teary. Shit, niceness, and feta pretzels all rolled into one. It's a helluva day for you emotionally, huh?
The universe must feel sorry for you, because it sent you such a sweetheart to give you ride, versus the usual sort of crazypants you run into! 😀
I had no idea that there were windshield wiper transmissions, although it doesn't surprise me that they're expensive.
I would have hugged him anyway!!! Sorry for your computer and car problems…we went through hell b/c the window mechanism to roll our windows up and down all broke at the same time. $400 to fix them ourselves or closer to a thousand to take it to a shop. Needless to say, the hubby went online and found them for $200. But now the switches are broken, so the only way to roll them up and down is at the control switch.
I'm not tearing up. I….um…have something in my eye.
Excuse me a sec.
Awwww. How sweet. I'd have gotten teary eyed. It's nice to know love can continue to exist after fifty years.
Sweet. 😀
Perhaps you need to buy a different brand of computer?