Well, I’ve contemplated it for years, but yesterday, I took the plunge. I dyed my hair. Granted, I didn’t have a ton of gray – but more than this chick was comfortable with. So I went to the local beauty supply store and got help from a lovely young woman who explained everything I’d need to do while stopping two shoplifters and never losing her place in the conversation. I was impressed.
Normally, whenever I do something to my hair, I end up hating it and bitching about it until it grows out again. So Matt was expecting the worst when I disappeared into the bathroom with hair dye and re-emerged with a plastic grocery bag on my head. Willow, the naughtiest kitten in the world, hissed at my head repeatedly while I was waiting for the dye to process. It was ridiculously cute.
After I rinsed it all out, Matt was waiting outside the bathroom door, ready to offer the comfort he thought was going to be necessary – he knows me so well – lol. But guess what? I love it! The dishwater blonde (with silver highlights) is gone and I now have a really pretty shade of dark reddish brown. Thank you to Clairol Ion and the badass store clerk!
Also in the exciting category is my first shiny review for Immortal Curse. It got 5 Divas and a Recommended Read from Dark Diva Reviews! Squeee!!! Here’s the awesometastic review if you’d like to take a peek.
Deb said:
First off, before I get to this review, I have to say, “WOW”. This story grabbed me and would not allow me to put it down! Immortal Curse by Bronwyn Green is a fascinating romance that has the main character Emma seeing a ghost. Emma, with her special abilities, has the power that allows her to converse with the ghost. Emma just knew when she set her eyes on Ian that her life would never be the same.
Ian {ghost} trapped forever, hates witches, they cannot be trusted. So when he came up against a stubborn, sassy witch, his interest surprised him. Ian’s story is heart breaking, his love for the children so touching.
I was laughing at the interactions between the characters; so much fun. Meaghan and Rowan are just a hoot! Ms. Green will these two have their own story? Oh I have to say I just love the pink Ouija board. *g*
The story had so many emotional aspects, which in turn made it easier to connect with the characters. There is a point in this book that I felt Emma’s heart bottom out. I truly felt the sadness pour off the pages.
Bronwyn Green is romance at its best! She will dazzle you with her writing wit, and heats your desires and passions, all by the time you turn that last page. If you have not read Bronwyn Green’s work, what are you waiting for?
Congrats on the spiffy new 'do AND on the great review.
Oh, nice, that rhymed.
Yay for the review:)
You just ROCK, lady. Congrats on all of the above!
Wow, great review! And you deserve it love!!
I think we need a visual of the new hair…
*hugs* Me
The part about Willow made me laugh because my sister always says that coloring your own hair “is so easy a cat could do it.” Maybe Willow wanted to help?
Congrats on the spiffy review!
very popular to u! ........................................
Great review, dark reddish Bronwyn!
Congrats and Congrats!!
Rocking hair and a Great amazing book! I am So happy for you!