Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky



Gwen uses a young boy to lure Merlin away from Camelot while she sets up a Medieval style hit on Arthur. The boy leads Merlin deep into a forest and Morgana attacks Merlin and poisons him with a slow acting, torturous poison and then kicks him down into a ravine.

Meanwhile, Gwen is arranging Arthur’s murder with a visiting king whose name kinda sounds like Sauron, and he was also the one who held Morgana and Aithusa in a pit for two years. He’s planning to screw over Gwen and take Camelot for himself. Arthur is worried about Merlin because he’s been missing for so long and Gaius suggests sending out a search party, but Gwen quashes that with a lie about Merlin sneaking off to see a girl.

The boy who led Merlin to his doom feels way guilty and does his best to save him, mixing up a cure that Merlin rattles off to him. After Merlin is sufficiently recovered, he and the boy head back to Camelot to save the day, but they meet some brigands on the road and Merlin is all “I don’t have time for this shit” and magically throws them around.

He and the boy get back in time to prevent an assassin from shooting  Arthur with a crossbow, but the boy takes a knife to the chest and Merlin magically throws a spear at the assassin and kills him as the assassin’s shot goes wide and kills the king who’s name isn’t quite Sauron. Gwen has a terrible time hiding her disappointment that both her husband and Merlin are still alive.

Oh, and Jess’ Strangely Specific Fetishes featured in this episode: Merlin’s hands, forearms, purposeful stride, his “do-not-fuck-with-me expression”, Arthur’s use of the royal we.

The questions!

1.)  If I’d written this episode…I’m not sure that I’d really change much. But I have a screaming headache right now, soooooo this may not be the best time to to answer this question.

2.) The thing I loved/hated most about this episode. I loved how jealous Arthur was of the thought that Merlin was with a girl. Didn’t like how idiotic Arthur was being unable to dress himself.

3.) Something you never noticed about this episode before. @practicalstyl pointed this out, but why doesn’t  Arthur ever go to the tavern (or send someone to the tavern) to fetch Merlin?

4.) Favorite costume. I think Arthur and Gwen look particularly lovely in this scene.


5.) Here is some proof of some random head canon I’ve created. I didn’t create it, but all Merthur all the time.

6.) What Merthur moment did Jess have the naughtiest thoughts about? It has be Arthur being all jealous over the possibility of Merlin having a girlfriend. Also how pissy Merlin seems to be when Arthur is kissing Gwen.

7.) What made Jen lose her shit  – in a good or bad way? The British king in Persian style armor.


Here’s Jess‘ take on the episode,  and here’s Jen’s

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