On Saturday, Brynn Paulin, Jennifer Armintrout, Cheryl Sterling and I gave a presentation at our local library as part of their Celebration of the Book festival. Our talk was supposed to be about the Diversity and Misconceptions of the Romance Genre, but we only touched on a few misconceptions before it turned into a writing workshop of sorts.
Despite the fact that I would have liked to address more of the misconceptions, I consider the entire experience a rousing success anyway.
We had a much larger audience than I’d expected including my baby sister, Cait who drove down from college to see us, and my littlest minion, An who called in sick to work to see us.
I didn’t throw up due to nerves.
I think I only babbled incoherently twice – public speaking wigs me out and I occasionally say wildly inappropriate things.
And best of all, the two snide questions regarding the validity of epubblishing and literary fiction vs. genre fiction were handled beautifully by Brynn and Jen respectively.
Also, I think we might have garnered some potential members for out monthly RWA meetings.
Still, I’m glad it’s over. 🙂
It was a gigantic blast and I LOVED blowing that e-publishing question out of the water. Hell no is e-pub failing and unsuccessful. What.EVER.>>It was a wonderful experience. Maybe we can doing it again next year…we can talk about basket making and maybe instead the topic will turn to Misconceptions *g*. Keep your notes!!
And maybe we can “doing” my grammar too. Sheesh!!! I’m blaming my typos on the cold this morning.
Bron, you and I would get along famously. I find myself babbling rather odd things a lot too. Irreverent, is what I call it. 🙂 I can be VERY irreverent. Definitely going to have to meet you.
So….what did Brynn and Jen say about the whole epub thing and the literary vs. genre thing?>>My personal take on the second one: It Is Called Popular Fiction For A Reason!
Glad to hear it went well!