I. Can’t. Wait. For. Summer. Break.
It’s been field trip and school project-o-ramma time here at the Green household.
Two weeks ago Killian and the eighth graders took a field trip to Notre Dame.
Last week he and 75 other 13 and 14 year-olds went to Washington DC for a week.
This week, Corwin had Medieval Day at school. He had to create a character from the middle ages, write a monologue about his life, memorize it, come up with a costume and props and perform it. Guess what we did all week? On the morning of the performance, my mom and I did a drop spindle spinning demonstration for all 75 fourth graders (she was the spinner, I just Vanna-ed stuff.)
After all the performances were finished, about 12 other moms and I set up a medieval feast for all of the kids and the principal and vice principal who dressed up as the Lord and Lady of the castle. There were fruits and vegetables of course, almond pudding and of course bread trenchers filled with stew. After the kids ate, they danced and performed little skits for the Lord and Lady. It was adorable! And exhausting – at least for the moms anyway!
Next week the eighth graders are going to Little Mexico (and awesome restaurant) where they’ll be practicing their Spanish language skills. I’ll be going along on that field trip, but I’ll be skipping the one two days later to the ballpark to see a baseball game. So not my thing.
Eight and a half more days of school. And a book to finish before school ends.
Go, girl, go! So glad my bunch is grown up. But I’ll be thinking of you!
Medieval Day, how cool!
I can wait. oooohhhh I can wait. Summer vaca means I have to write less cause the kids need more attention. That’s not so good.
I’m with you, girl. I am so done, done, done, done with fourth graders!>>My kids have 14 more days. Waaaaa.>>Why, oh why do the teachers have to use their entire field trip budget in May? Do they just wake up on May 1 and go, “Oh, I haven’t done any field trips yet, I think I’ll schedule FOUR?”
Holy smokes that’s a lot.
The last couple weeks of school are always crazy. Medieval Day sounds fab.
Sounds exhausting but fun and interesting. So that’s what I get to look forward too!
I love the creativity of Medieval Day. What fun! I miss teaching social studies some times. We used to do food days from the different regions we studied and everyone brought in food. It was the first time I’d ever had peanutbutter chicken…that’s not the name of it but..