Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

I have a confession.

I’m addicted to Pinterest.

I had no idea what it was until I came across this blog post by Brittany Gibbons – Why Pinterest is Like Black Tar Heroin. So after that rousing endorsement, I had to check it out and fell in love. I like to think of it as a slightly more organized version of tumbler.

To the casual observer, it looks like a collection of cool pictures. But it’s oh so much more than that. I currently have thirteen boards that house my collections. There’s art that I like, recipes I want to make, a board devoted to my lifelong obsession with gypsies, another that has adorable animals, another with clothes I’d like to wear, and another with inspirational quotes. You can name your boards whatever you like. For instance, my recipe board is called, “Let’s be honest…it’s food porn.” And my craft board is called, “Craft ideas…’cause I need more damn hobbies.

The great thing about this cool collection of pictures, is if I see a recipe I want to try, I don’t need to remember where the hell I found it on the internet. The picture that I’ve saved on Pinterest also saves the original link, so I can always find my way back to it. Like that pair of boots but aren’t ready to order them yet? Pin it on your fashion board and come back to them when you’re ready.

The great thing is that you can make boards for whatever interests you. Like my Dream House board. Le sigh…

If you’re interested in making a Pinterest account of your own, read the post by Brittany. She breaks it down with easy to follow instructions way better than I ever could.

I was gonna post some of my favorite pictures to share with you guys, but I kept getting distracted by all the awesome and damn it, I’ve got two books to write!

0 thoughts on “I admit it…I’m addicted

  1. Jilly-O says:

    my favorite board for me is “On the Internet No one knows you're a Cat”

    Which is a funner (yah, i said it.) way to say LOL.

    I also like “i want to go to there”

  2. Chris says:

    I'm now subscribed to your Pinterest feed. 🙂 That baby raven!!!!!!!


    Pinterest just looks so… orderly. I'm not sure why I find that less appealing than tumblr.

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