It’s time for the second annual Dean Day Celebration! Like many of my fellow Supernatural fans, I’ve got thing for Dean. I won’t lie, Sam’s pretty hot, too. But I’m a Dean girl all the way. Besides, my honey is away in Russia. A-freaking-gain. So, this makes a nice substitute for Valentine’s Day! Because it’s late, and I’m tired, I’m going to go with a few favorite Dean quotes.
EDIT: Derp! I am a dork. I forgot to mention that to celebrate the wonders of Dean Day, I’ll be giving away some ebooks to random commenters!
Sam: What kind of thing likes virgins and gold?
Dean: …P. Diddy.
Dean: (explaining why he thinks he got out of hell.) I like to think it’s because of my perky nipples.
Dean: (to Sam) You see that? That attitude there? That’s why I always got the extra cookie.
Agent Henricksen: You think you’re funny?
Dean: I think I’m adorable.
Happy Dean Day, everyone! And a special thanks to JoJo for organizing it!
I'm a Dean girl too! Great pics.
Sorry the DH is in Russia. Happy Valentine's Day, Bron!
Happy Dean Day! Love the pics and quotes you posted. Sorry your hubs is away again. Dean is a mighty fine substitute though.
Dean just plain rocks my world. Love him to bits. Sooo sexy 😉
LOL!!! Perky nipples indeed. He's cute, and I know, I know, it's all about the mouth. But Somewhere between season one and the others, someone told him that he has a great mouth. How do I know this? Because in season one, he never did the thoughtful pucker. You know: “Hm, scene calls for thinking. I shall purse my lips, like this for most comely effect.” Yes, he does that. But not in season one!!
DEMMMMMM you whoever told him! Because now that's all I see and it annoys the snot out of me.
I do not understand this Supernatural phenomenon, but I will not judge you for it.
LOL, my captcha word was “knobso”.
Me too, girl! Sam's cute but Dean's all smartass/badass. *grins*
And I'm luvin' on the quotes!!
Have a fun Dean's/Valentine's day! =)
Mmm… cheekbones…
Happy Valentine's!! Your hub realizes he SOOOO owes you, right? 🙂
I like Sam a lot, but Dean's always had my heart! Great post. 🙂
Happy Dean Day!
And he IS adorable. 🙂
Happy Dean Day! Thanks to all you ladies for all the yummy Dean-ness today!
Happy Dean Day! Love the pics…especially the last one (yummy!)
Happy Dean Day! Love the pics…especially the last one (yummy!)
Happy Dean Day! Love the pics…especially the last one (yummy!)
Happy Dean Day! Love the pics…especially the last one (yummy!)
Happy Dean Day! Love the pics…especially the last one (yummy!)
Happy Dean Day! Love the pics…especially the last one (yummy!)
Happy Dean Day! Love the pics…especially the last one (yummy!)
Happy Dean Day! Love the pics…especially the last one (yummy!)
Happy Dean Day! Love the pics…especially the last one (yummy!)
Happy Dean Day! Love the pics…especially the last one (yummy!)
Happy Dean Day! Love the pics…especially the last one (yummy!)
Happy Dean Day! Love the pics…especially the last one (yummy!)
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perky nipples ~funny
Happy Dean Day!
the above deleted post was because my husband left himself logged on and well I didn't want to speak for him ~LOL
Love Dean Day! He is one hot man….would love to take him home with me!
Robin V
SQUUUEEEEEEEEE Dean Day is finally here!!! Loving all these yummie pics!
Loving these pictures. Gotta love me some Dean. So hot!
Oh boy, I love Dean day!
I forgot to add my email, but I still love the idea of a Dean day. 😛
P.S. we should all make a holiday for Sam too. 😉
Happy Valentine's Day! Happy Dean Day as well!! Thanks for all those yummy pictures. I especially like the him on the bed. Also loved the Dean quotes.
I ADORE Dean! He's the perfect manly package and I wouldn't change a single thing about him!
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Dean rocks, I can't agree more. He's totally on my List of 5 that I can sleep with without my BF getting mad.
Thanks for the contest!
The quotes were great, but the last pic was the BEST. Happy Dean Day!
Dean is the best! I love a bad boy with a heart of gold.