Here are the pictures of the finished dresses – please excuse the crummy camera phone pictures and the fact that my house looks like it’s in danger of being shut down by the health department. I’d like to tell you that it’s usually much neater…but I’d be lying.
Now I’ve just got to make the five pairs of jammy pants, three special surprises, two star babies, one slipper and a bracelet. I’ve really got to start earlier next year…
Do you want to win some fantastic holiday reading? If so, come celebrate the Twelve days of Romance with 12 authors from Ellora’s Cave, Wild Rose Press, Total-E-Bound and Cerridwen Press. Each day beginning December 8th and running through December 19th one of the twelve authors will tell what their “True love gave to them” on either their blog or website.Collect all twelve answers and e-mail them to mailto:anny@annycook.com with 12 days of Romance in the subject line to win some great books.
Deadline for answers is December 21st at midnight EST.There will be three lucky winners. The prizes –1st prize–6 books 2nd prize–4 books 3rd prize–2 books. All books and prize winners will be drawn randomly.
Anny Cook Winter Hearts
Sandra Cox Boji Stones
Bronwyn Green Ronan’s Grail
Heather Hiestand Cards Never Lie
Barbara Huffert Deal of a Lifetime
Amarinda Jones Mad About Mirabelle
Kelly Kirch Time for Love
Cindy Spencer Pape Cowboy’s Christmas Bride
Brynn Paulin Fallen
Sandra Cox Boji Stones
Bronwyn Green Ronan’s Grail
Heather Hiestand Cards Never Lie
Barbara Huffert Deal of a Lifetime
Amarinda Jones Mad About Mirabelle
Kelly Kirch Time for Love
Cindy Spencer Pape Cowboy’s Christmas Bride
Brynn Paulin Fallen
OH MY GOSH THOSE ARE PERFECT!>>I want you to make me one of her cleaning dress! Tell me what I must do to make it so!
Fantastic job on the dresses! Lex had better love them.
I LOVE those dresses! I am so impressed with you, you have no idea. All that and goodlooks too. How do you manage it?? >>If I were four, I would desperately want both dresses.
Wonderful work! Are you feeling any better???? I certainly hope so!
You are so talented (and so slow to get going. It’s less than a week before Christmas, for goodness sakes! Start in April next year.)>They’re gorgeous. I’m jealous. I’ve pretty much given up sewing. I’d like to say I’ve replaced it with something equally as creative, but I’d be lying. 🙂>Nice job, toots!
Holy Moly! I am a pretty crafty chick. Never met a craft I didn’t like. But nothing like that. They are too, too cool. And with a head injury! I bow to your greatness 🙂 >>xo>Sommer
Those are some fabulous dresses. I may not be 4, but I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on that Cinderella princess dress. I can’t sew a button back on a shirt, so I am always in awe of people who can make things like that. And without a pattern? Sheesh. Thank god I can write pretty well or I might have to crawl under a rock.>>Very, very nice.
Those dresses are absolutely adorable. Wonderful wonderful job. About the star babies….
wow! How talented are you? Bloody good job!
You made them without patterns? WOW!!! Could you adopt me please?
The pink one is sooooo great. And no sisty uglers can tear it apart like they did in the movie. Nuh uh!>>I never understood why Disney only sold the Cinderella ball gown and not the other two. A girl needs the entire ensemble!>>Those are truly the best dresses I’ve ever seen. >>I thought I was a cool aunt because I buy my neices books. Ha ha ha! I am nowhere near as cool as you.