Bronwyn Green

The Corner of Quirky & Kinky

I feel like I’ve been running constantly since I last posted – here’s a quick sum-up, ’cause I’ve got to get back to work!!!

My sister-in-law’s belly dancing tribe was fantastic. I love watching them dance. Before the show, we wandered around a carnival and let the kids ride all the fair rides – they had a blast and I had a near-nervous breakdown watching them on some of those rides. Eek! And despite copious use of sun screen, I still got burned. Even SPF Vampire isn’t high enough for me. Afterward, there was a giant belly dancing party at her house.

The next three days were all work all the time – trying to catch up on the day job and pick up the house since it looked a lot like I’d spent all of the previous month writing a book. Funny how that works!

On July 1st, I went with my mom to watch my sister audition for West Michigan Idol. The winner of which gets a guaranteed audition with American Idol. My sister wasn’t exactly hoping to win, but she did make a promise several years ago to my kids and my daycare kids that she’d try out for AI. She really didn’t want to break that promise to them (they hound her about it ever year) so she went and sang.

She was awesome!!! She sang Son of a Preacher Man and nailed it. However, there was a TON of talented people there and she didn’t make it, but she’s cool with it since she’s got school in the fall and most important to her, she kept her promise.

On Thursday some friends from out of town came in and we’ve been hanging out with them since then. I’m a sad kid – they have to leave today.

We went to my Dad and Stepmom’s on Saturday and had a blast! They live on a lake, so pretty much all 15(!) kids that were there, spent the entire day in the lake, coming out only to eat and watch fireworks. They shoot the fireworks off over the lake and it’s really lovely. It was a nice, relaxing day with family and friends…and another sunburn.

More hanging with friends last night (more sunburn) and today. Okay…so it doesn’t look like that much craziness now that I’ve typed it out, but I’m so far behind on work, I guess it just feels that way – lol! Good thing I got that manuscript turned in last weekend!! I’ve had an awesome time with the out of town friends though and miss them already.

0 thoughts on “Busy, Busy, Busy

  1. I feel you. Same kind of feeling of 'so much too do and not enough time' but when I go to make a list, it's not as bad as I'd thought. PSYCHE.

    Sometimes we just have to remember to breathe and tackle one thing at a time.

  2. Jess says:

    I had to giggle about the sunburn. Not that it's funny, but it's just like me. When we were in WI Dells, I slathered myself in sunscreen and still ended up sunburned the first day. *sigh*

    And it is hard coming back and jumping into it all again, isn't it? Somehow we managed to survive and not go mad. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Sounds like a full week-ish. Great job to your sister for trying out. She should've won. ๐Ÿ™‚ The Belly Dancing show sounds great!

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